Stills of Peace and Everyday Life
Italia e Corea del Sud: una ricerca del senso del contemporaneo
Director: Giovanna Dello Iacono
Curators: Pino Bruni, Mariano Cipollini, Eva Comuzzi, Paolo Dell’Elce, Antonio Zimarino
Artists: Seo Young Chang, Yun Choi / Minwhee Lee, T-Yong Chung, Andrea Fogli, Soko Hwang,
Geumhyung Jeong, Eemyun Kang, Myeongbeom Kim, Jukhee Kwon, Jungjin Lee, Young Joo Lee, You Kyeong Oh, Barbara Uccelli
Date: 4 July / 22 August 2021
Location: Cisterne di Palazzo Acquaviva / Museo Archeologico / Palazzo Cardinal Cicada – Atri
For 8 years, Fondazione ARIA in cooperation with the municipality of Atri has been organizing Stills of Peace and Everyday Life contemporary art festival, based on the dialogue between distant cultures through the language of contemporary art.
After Pakistan, Spain, France, China, Morocco, Iran and Japan, Stills of Peace 2021’s journey continues discussing and searching for knowledge among different world artistic cultures; this year it’s South Korea’s turn, a country of a millenary culture always considered as a sort of bridge between the “Asian tigers” China and Japan. Among the countries that contribute the most to reconsidering westernization patterns, South Korea reveals its great creative drive in almost all fine-art fields, such as cinema, music, visual arts.
The 8th edition of contemporary art and culture exhibition is set in Atri by Fondazione Aria featuring a team of five curators, fourteen artists, five exhibitions, including a photography exposition, and a film festival of South Korean movies with Italian subtitles.
Sculpture, painting, installations, photography, video art, performance, cinema forge the dialogue and the exchange between different cultures. Stills of Peace is a common ground respectfully open to differences; mutual understanding is the key to a deeper sharing of the humanistic and existential values that underlie each single Culture; everyone gets out richer from that ground, especially in humanity
Events 2021:
4 July 2021 / Maratona del Contemporaneo (Contemporary Marathon): Vernissage
5 July 2021 / Contemporary Marathon: Stills of Peace venues guided tours and Cine Korea: Painted Fire – or Drunk on Women and Poetry
12 July 2021 / Cine Korea: Poetry
19 July 2021 / Cine Korea: Pietà
26 July 2021 / Cine Korea: Snowpiercer
2 August 2021 / Cine Korea: Oldboy
9 August 2021 / Cine Korea: Hills of freedom
22 August 2021 / Finissage Stills of Peace Ed. VIII
Under the Patronage of:
Ministero della Cultura, Regione Abruzzo, Ambasciata della Repubblica di Corea, Ambasciata d’Italia a Seul, Consiglio Regionale d’Abruzzo, Istituto Culturale Coreano, Istituto Italiano di Cultura a Seul, Società Dante Alighieri, Università G. d’Annunzio, Università di Teramo, Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per le province di Chieti e Pescara.
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