Scenari Internazionali
Lithuanian Theatre
Artistic Director: Valentina Valentini
Curators:Valentina Valentini, Erica Faccioli, Ūla Tornau, Asta Vaičiulytė
Artists: Tomas Ivanauskas, Oskaras Koršunovas,
Date: 16 maggio / 20 maggio 2018
Venues: Spazio Matta, Pescara / Museo Laboratorio ex – Manifattura Tabacchi, Città Sant’Angelo (Pe)
The International Scenarios project, with the artistic di- rection by Valentina Valentini, is dedicated to one of the most interesting contemporary artistic realities on the European scene: Lithuania. Three sections are explored, theater, video art and cinema, with the participation of important names in the cultural field, such as the director Oskaras Koršunovas, a well-known exponent of the international theater scene. A theatrical reality of highly artistic depth recognized as one of the most interesting avant-gardes at an international level.
A school that has trained directors who have trodden the stages of the most important theaters in the world, such as Oskaras Koršunovas. An exhibition of 30 images of different sizes by Tomas Ivanauskas, dedicated to the intense acting and stage work of Korsunovas company during the rehearsals of the most recent performances, allow the viewer to participate in that creative moment in which the images are transformed into emotions. The agenda of the exhibition dedicated to video art, on the other hand, places in an international contexts more established artists with emerging ones. It consists of a selection of Lithuanian video works from the 90s to today.
16 May 2018 / Seminar: Oskaras Koršunovas e la scena teatrale lituana
16 – 20 May 2018 / Workshop Oskaras Koršunovas
Exhibition “L’energia delle prove”
17 May 2018 / Jonas Mekas, curated by Anita Trivelli, Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Moderne, UdA
18 – 19 May 2018 / Selection of Lithuanian video works
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