Fondazione ARIA. A crossroads of artists and cultures
Publisher: Delloiacono Comunica
Artistic Directors: Giovanna Dello Iacono, Paolo Dell’Elce
Graphic Designers: Davide Di Domenico / Sara Forlivesi / Chiara Chiavaroli
Translators: Angelo Gualano / Francesca Pierantoni
Editorial Board: Rosina Rossi / Arianna Becci / Alfredo Bruno
Crossroads is the – mostly visual – brief reconstruction of the many exhibitions, festivals and events that Fondazione ARIA has been organizing since 2011 to foster contemporary art and culture; the narration also includes the stories of the two hundred twenty artists and forty curators that have been featured during the last decade. All the projects share a common distinguishing element: all of them are looking for dialogue and for the construction of new relations.
This volume tells a story about commitment, bravery and effort; through the artworks created and/or featured by the Foundation, it records the possible process of achieving something absolutely original and innovative on the artistic and entrepreneurial national scene.
For every featured artist, a single piece of art was selected; a brief description precedes the featuring project. Crossroads is a sort of archive to preserve the historic memory of this “sui generis” experience, able itself to generate suggestions, reflections and growth in artistic, cultural, social and human sensibility.
21 November 2021 / ARIA10: during FLA Festival, Barbara Uccelli’s Performance: ‘Le mani sul banco’
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“Crossroads. Fondazione ARIA, a crossroads of artists and cultures” is the monograph dedicated to the 220 artists invited by the Foundation in Abruzzo from 2011 to 2021. A paper archive outlining the last decade’s events, it offers a portrait of each contributor by an artwork, a fact sheet and a short report of the event.
- Publisher: Delloiacono Edizioni
- Printed: ottobre 2021
- ISBN: 9788894648447
- Hardcover: 396 pages
- Language: Italian/English